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Autism: Developmental Disorder across life

Introduction to Autism:

Autism is defined as a lifetime disorder that affects both the neurological brain development of kids and adults.

Three stages of autism

Three developmental stages:

  1. Middle childhood: the initial start of social adjustment does not appear until entering school.
  2. Adolescence:  An autistic individual faces the potential overwhelm of studies and forming friendships.
  3. Adulthood: an increase in the continual challenges of coping with relationships and relationships and the need for work accomodations.

ICD-11 diagnosis information:

  • ICD-11 indicated that men were four times more likely, in comparison to women, to get an ASD diagnosis.
  • ASD diagnoses for both men and women also helped indicate that female individuals displayed less restriction, interest repetition, and repeated behaviours in comparison to male individuals.


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Autistic experience quotes:

"We had a young man with ASD who, while dancing, appeared unusual." Sacha, an ASD service provider.

'I've had people within a community say, Maria,  you should prevent him from dancing in his current style' since his actions appear different and aren't really accepted in society." Sacha, an ASD service provider.